

You can use the following Slack invite to join the UM Physics workspace. Once you have joined the workspace send me a private message and I’ll add you to our private channel. I’ll post notifications of any announcements on that channel. I encourage you all to use it for collaborating and discussing material, as well as communicating with me.


We may need Zoom for possibly remote classes since I will be out of town during the semester periodically. I’ll update the site accordingly as needed. But it is still a good idea to get yourself a Zoom account via this OleMiss Zoom link.


A GitHub account is required for this course to access additional course material hosted in our PHYS709-Fall2024 GitHub repository. If you have an account already ignore this step, otherwise go ahead and create and account by going to the GitHub Sign up link and filing in the registration form. Or simply follow the Creating an account on GitHub documentation. For the record, other services do exist but this is one I frequently use for research.

Top tip

Once you have created your account, you can secure a FREE GitHub Pro, with additional benefits, by joining GitHub Education, taking advantage of your email.

Once you have a GitHub account, send me your GitHub username so that I can add you to the repository. You’re now ready to proceed to the Version Control tutorial.

Python and Jupyter

Details coming soon…

Table of contents

    © 2024 Gavin S. Davies. Released under the CC BY-SA license.