

Students are expected to attend each lecture unless you have justification. If you must miss a lecture, make contact with me as soon as possible. Absences from tests count as zeros unless they are justified. If you must be absent during a test for a University-sponsored event, you MUST discuss this with me before the test date. In the case of an unexpected emergency, you must make contact with me as soon as possible and have documentation.

Academic Integrity

Every student of the University of Mississippi, by virtue of choosing to be part of the university community agrees to abide by the University of Mississippi Creed and the UM Academic Integrity Policy that covers academic integrity. Please consult the M-Book, Academic Integrity document for details on university policy and the academic creed.

Cheating is forbidden and will result in a zero grade on the assignment. If a second case of cheating occurs, this will result in an F for the entire course.

UM Creed

The University of Mississippi is a community of learning dedicated to nurturing excellence in intellectual inquiry and personal character in an open and diverse environment. As a voluntary member of this community:

  • I believe in respect for the dignity of each person
  • I believe in fairness and civility
  • I believe in personal and professional integrity
  • I believe in academic honesty
  • I believe in academic freedom
  • I believe in good stewardship of our resources
  • I pledge to uphold these values and encourage others to follow my example

All materials distributed electronically and in hard copy in this class are protected under intellectual copyright. Any attempt to upload these documents onto the Internet (or to distribute them by some other means) or to profit from the distribution (by Internet or other means) of these documents constitutes theft and will be in violation of intellectual property law and the UM Academic Conduct Code unless expressly permitted for by the instructor. Accessing such materials for your own use is also in violation of the UM Academic Conduct Code.

Disability Access and Inclusion

The University of Mississippi is committed to the creation of inclusive learning environments for all students. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your full inclusion and participation, or to accurate assessment of your achievement, please contact the course instructor as soon as possible. Barriers may include but are not necessarily limited to, timed exams and in-class assignments, difficulty with the acquisition of lecture content, inaccessible web content, and the use of non-captioned or non-transcribed video and audio files. If you are registered with SDS, you must log in to your Rebel Access portal at https://sds.olemiss.edu/rebel-access-portal to request approved accommodations. If you are NOT registered with SDS, you must complete the process to become registered. To begin that process, please visit our website at https://sds.olemiss.edu/apply-for-services. SDS will: 1. Complete a comprehensive review to determine your eligibility for accommodations, 2. If approved, disseminate to your instructors a Faculty Notification Letter, 3. Facilitate the removal of barriers, and, 4. Ensure you have equal access to the same opportunities for success that are available to all students. If you have questions, contact SDS at 662-915-7128 or sds@olemiss.edu.

Audio and video recording

Audio and/or video recording of class lectures is not allowed unless explicit permission is given by the instructor. Permission will only be given if the student has a Student Disability Services request. In such cases, recordings may only be used by the student to whom permission is given and all recordings must be deleted at the end of the semester. Recordings may not be distributed online or elsewhere.

© 2024 Gavin S. Davies. Released under the CC BY-SA license.